Special for the GENMILL 4020
$2,500 OFF Loaded with Standard Accessories
Order now to receive a $10,000 discount on the GENTURN SL-42 Y2
Order now to receive a $5,000 discount on the GENMILL 5x-4
Mills: GMV-1F (9” X 42” Table), GMV-2F (9” X 50” Table)
and GMV-3F (10” X 54” Table)
Lathes: GHT-618 EVS (Toolroom Lathe), GTW-1340, GTW-1640,
GTW-1660, GTW-2060, GTW-2080, GTW-2260, GTW-22120,
GTW-2680, GTW-26120, GTW-26160
Thank You to Those Who Visited Us at the
2021 WESTEC Conference!